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Detailed Description

Policy interface to Extensible Configuration Checklist Description Format.

Purpose of this layer is to separate the transport syntax of the XCCDF XML from the processes of evaluating and scoring the policy content comprised by the XCCDF documents. XCCDF Policy model performs the loading, evaluation and scoring tasks of XCCDF.

Data Structures

struct  xccdf_policy_model
 XCCDF policy model structure contains xccdf_benchmark as reference to Benchmark element in XML file and list of policies that are abstract structure of Profile element from benchmark file. More...
struct  xccdf_policy
 XCCDF policy structure is abstract (class) structure of Profile element from benchmark. More...
struct  xccdf_value_binding
 XCCDF value binding structure is binding between Refine values, Set values, Value element and Check export element of benchmark. More...
struct  xccdf_policy_iterator
 Iterate through policies. More...
struct  oscap_file_entry_iterator
struct  oscap_file_entry_list


 Engine Plugin


file  xccdf_policy.h
 Open-scap XCCDF Policy library interface.


typedef void *(* xccdf_policy_engine_query_fn )(void *, xccdf_policy_engine_query_t, void *)
 Type of function which implements queries defined within xccdf_policy_engine_query_t. More...
typedef xccdf_test_result_type_t(* xccdf_policy_engine_eval_fn )(struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *rule_id, const char *definition_id, const char *href_if, struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator *value_binding_it, struct xccdf_check_import_iterator *check_imports_it, void *user_data)
 Type of function which implements OpenSCAP checking engine. More...
typedef int(* policy_reporter_output )(struct xccdf_rule_result *, void *)
typedef int(* policy_reporter_start )(struct xccdf_rule *, void *)


enum  xccdf_policy_engine_query_t { POLICY_ENGINE_QUERY_NAMES_FOR_HREF = 1 }
 Type of a query over checking-engine data. More...


bool xccdf_policy_model_set_tailoring (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, struct xccdf_tailoring *tailoring)
 Sets the Tailoring element to use in the policy. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_dict_source (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, struct oscap_source *source)
 Registers an additional CPE dictionary for applicability testing The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence!
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_dict (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, const char *cpe_dict)
 Registers an additional CPE dictionary for applicability testing The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence! More...
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_lang_model_source (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, struct oscap_source *source)
 Registers an additional CPE lang model for applicability testing The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence!
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_lang_model (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, const char *cpe_lang)
 Registers an additional CPE lang model for applicability testing The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence! More...
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_autodetect_source (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, struct oscap_source *source)
 Registers an additional CPE resource (either dictionary or language) Autodetects given file and acts accordingly. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_autodetect (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, const char *filepath)
 Registers an additional CPE resource (either dictionary or language) Autodetects given file and acts accordingly. More...
struct oscap_htable_iteratorxccdf_policy_model_get_cpe_oval_sessions (struct xccdf_policy_model *model)
 Retrieves an iterator of all OVAL sessions created for CPE applicability evaluation key is the OVAL href, value is the OVAL session itself (type oval_agent_session*)
struct xccdf_policy_modelxccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_new (struct xccdf_benchmark *benchmark)
 Constructor of Policy Model structure. More...
struct xccdf_policyxccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_new (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, struct xccdf_profile *profile)
 Constructor of Policy structure. More...
struct xccdf_value_bindingxccdf_value_binding::xccdf_value_binding_new (void)
 Constructor of structure with profile bindings - refine_rules, refine_values and set_values. More...
void xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_free (struct xccdf_policy_model *)
 Destructor of Policy Model structure.
void xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_free (struct xccdf_policy *)
 Destructor of Policy structure.
void xccdf_value_binding::xccdf_value_binding_free (struct xccdf_value_binding *)
 Destructor of Value binding structure.
struct xccdf_tailoringxccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_get_tailoring (struct xccdf_policy_model *model)
 Retrieves the Tailoring element used in this policy.
char * xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_readable_item_title (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_item *item, const char *preferred_lang)
 Get human readable title of given XCCDF Item. More...
char * xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_readable_item_description (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_item *item, const char *preferred_lang)
 Get human readable description of given XCCDF Item. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_callback (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, char *sys, void *func, void *usr)
 Function to register callback for checking system. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_and_query_callback (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, char *sys, xccdf_policy_engine_eval_fn eval_fn, void *usr, xccdf_policy_engine_query_fn query_fn)
 Function to register callback for checking system. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_register_output_callback (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, policy_reporter_output func, void *usr)
 Function to register output callback for checking system that will be called AFTER each rule evaluation. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_register_start_callback (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, policy_reporter_start func, void *usr)
 Function to register start callback for checking system that will be called BEFORE each rule evaluation. More...


Return value is pointer to structure's member.

Do not free unless you null the pointer in the structure. Use remove function otherwise.

struct xccdf_policy_modelxccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_model (const struct xccdf_policy *policy)
 Get model from Policy (parent structure of Policy to access the benchmark) More...
struct xccdf_benchmarkxccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_get_benchmark (const struct xccdf_policy_model *item)
 Get Benchmark from Policy Model. More...
xccdf_value_binding_iterator * 
xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_values (const struct xccdf_policy *item)
 Get Value Bindings from XCCDF Policy.
struct xccdf_policy_iteratorxccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_get_policies (const struct xccdf_policy_model *model)
 Get policies from Policy Model. More...
int xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_build_all_useful_policies (struct xccdf_policy_model *policy_model)
 Build all policies that can be useful for user. More...
struct xccdf_select_iteratorxccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_selected_rules (struct xccdf_policy *)
 Get selected rules from policy. More...
struct xccdf_profilexccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_profile (const struct xccdf_policy *)
 Get XCCDF Profile from Policy. More...
struct xccdf_select_iteratorxccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_selects (const struct xccdf_policy *)
 Get rules from Policy. More...
char * xccdf_value_binding::xccdf_value_binding_get_name (const struct xccdf_value_binding *)
 Get variable name from value bindings. More...
char * xccdf_value_binding::xccdf_value_binding_get_value (const struct xccdf_value_binding *)
 Get value from value bindings. More...
xccdf_value_type_t xccdf_value_binding::xccdf_value_binding_get_type (const struct xccdf_value_binding *)
 get variable type from value bindings More...
xccdf_operator_t xccdf_value_binding::xccdf_value_binding_get_operator (const struct xccdf_value_binding *)
 get Value operator from value bindings More...
char * xccdf_value_binding::xccdf_value_binding_get_setvalue (const struct xccdf_value_binding *)
 get Set Value from value bindings More...
struct xccdf_result_iteratorxccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_get_results (const struct xccdf_policy *policy)
 Get results of all XCCDF Policy results.
struct xccdf_resultxccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_get_result_by_id (struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *id)
 Get XCCDF Result structure by it's idetificator if there is one. More...
const char * xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_id (struct xccdf_policy *policy)
 Get ID of XCCDF Profile that is implemented by XCCDF Policy. More...
struct xccdf_policyxccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_get_policy_by_id (struct xccdf_policy_model *policy_model, const char *id)
 Get XCCDF Policy from Policy model by speciefied ID of Profile. More...


For lists use add functions.

Parameters of set functions are duplicated in memory and need to be freed by caller.

int xccdf_policy_get_selected_rules_count (struct xccdf_policy *policy)
 Retrieves number of selected items in the policy. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_add_policy (struct xccdf_policy_model *, struct xccdf_policy *)
 Add Policy to Policy Model. More...
bool xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_add_select (struct xccdf_policy *, struct xccdf_select *)
 Add rule to Policy. More...
bool xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_set_selected (struct xccdf_policy *policy, char *idref)
 Set a new selector to the Policy structure. More...
bool xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_add_result (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_result *item)
 Add result to XCCDF Policy Model.
bool xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_add_value (struct xccdf_policy *, struct xccdf_value_binding *)
 Add value binding to the Policy structure. More...
bool xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_is_item_selected (struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *id)
 Get the selection settings of the item. More...
struct xccdf_selectxccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_select_by_id (struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *item_id)
 Get select from policy by specified ID of XCCDF Item. More...


struct xccdf_itemxccdf_policy_tailor_item (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_item *item)
 Clone the item and tailor it against given policy (profile) More...
struct oscap_file_entry_listxccdf_policy_model_get_systems_and_files (struct xccdf_policy_model *policy_model)
 Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules. More...
struct oscap_file_entry_listxccdf_item_get_systems_and_files (struct xccdf_item *item)
 Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules. More...
struct oscap_stringlistxccdf_policy_model_get_files (struct xccdf_policy_model *policy_model)
 Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules. More...
struct oscap_stringlistxccdf_item_get_files (struct xccdf_item *item)
 Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules. More...
xccdf_test_result_type_t xccdf_test_result_resolve_and_operation (xccdf_test_result_type_t A, xccdf_test_result_type_t B)
 Return result of the AND operation for two given attributes. More...
struct xccdf_resultxccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_evaluate (struct xccdf_policy *policy)
 Call the checking engine for each selected rule in given policy structure. More...
bool xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_resolve (struct xccdf_policy *policy)
 Resolve benchmark by applying all refine_rules and refine_values to rules / values of benchmark. More...
int xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_generate_fix (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_result *result, const char *sys, int output_fd)
 Generate remediation prescription (presumably a remediation script). More...
struct oscap_file_entryoscap_file_entry::oscap_file_entry_new (void)
struct oscap_file_entryoscap_file_entry::oscap_file_entry_dup (struct oscap_file_entry *file_entry)
void oscap_file_entry::oscap_file_entry_free (struct oscap_file_entry *entry)
const char * oscap_file_entry::oscap_file_entry_get_system (struct oscap_file_entry *entry)
const char * oscap_file_entry::oscap_file_entry_get_file (struct oscap_file_entry *entry)
struct oscap_file_entryoscap_file_entry_iterator::oscap_file_entry_iterator_next (struct oscap_file_entry_iterator *it)
bool oscap_file_entry_iterator::oscap_file_entry_iterator_has_more (struct oscap_file_entry_iterator *it)
void oscap_file_entry_iterator::oscap_file_entry_iterator_free (struct oscap_file_entry_iterator *it)
void oscap_file_entry_iterator::oscap_file_entry_iterator_reset (struct oscap_file_entry_iterator *it)
struct oscap_file_entry_listoscap_file_entry_list::oscap_file_entry_list_new (void)
void oscap_file_entry_list::oscap_file_entry_list_free (struct oscap_file_entry_list *list)
struct oscap_file_entry_iteratoroscap_file_entry_list::oscap_file_entry_list_get_files (struct oscap_file_entry_list *list)


struct xccdf_scorexccdf_policy_get_score (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_result *test_result, const char *system)
 Get score of the XCCDF Benchmark. More...
int xccdf_policy_recalculate_score (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_result *test_result)
 Recalculate score of the XCCDF Benchmark. More...
char * xccdf_policy_substitute (const char *text, struct xccdf_policy *policy)
 Perform textual substitution of cdf:sub elements with respect to given XCCDF policy. More...
bool xccdf_policy_iterator::xccdf_policy_iterator_has_more (struct xccdf_policy_iterator *it)
 Return true if the list is not empty, false otherwise.
struct xccdf_policyxccdf_policy_iterator::xccdf_policy_iterator_next (struct xccdf_policy_iterator *it)
 Return the next xccdf_policy structure from the list and increment the iterator.
void xccdf_policy_iterator::xccdf_policy_iterator_free (struct xccdf_policy_iterator *it)
 Free the iterator structure (it makes no changes to the list structure)
void xccdf_policy_iterator::xccdf_policy_iterator_reset (struct xccdf_policy_iterator *it)
 Reset the iterator structure (it will point to the first item in the list)
const char * xccdf_policy::xccdf_policy_get_value_of_item (struct xccdf_policy *policy, struct xccdf_item *item)
 Get value of given value item in context of given policy. More...

Typedef Documentation

typedef xccdf_test_result_type_t(* xccdf_policy_engine_eval_fn)(struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *rule_id, const char *definition_id, const char *href_if, struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator *value_binding_it, struct xccdf_check_import_iterator *check_imports_it, void *user_data)

Type of function which implements OpenSCAP checking engine.

This function defines basic interface between XCCDF module and thee checking engine. For each checking engine required for evaluation there should be at least one such function registerd. The registered function is then used by xccdf_policy module to perform evaluation on the machine.

typedef void*(* xccdf_policy_engine_query_fn)(void *, xccdf_policy_engine_query_t, void *)

Type of function which implements queries defined within xccdf_policy_engine_query_t.

Each checking engine may register its own function of the xccdf_policy_engine_query_fn type. The registered function is then used by xccdf_policy module to acquire comprehensive info about the checking-engine itself or the data fed in. First argument of the function is always user data as registered. Second argument defines the query. Third argument is dependent on query and defined as follows:

  • (const char *)href – for POLICY_ENGINE_QUERY_NAMES_FOR_HREF

Expected return type depends also on query as follows:

  • (struct oscap_stringlists *) – for POLICY_ENGINE_QUERY_NAMES_FOR_HREF
  • NULL shall be returned if the function doesn't understand the query.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Type of a query over checking-engine data.

This allows xccdf_policy module to query checking engine and acquire comprehensive info.

Function Documentation

struct oscap_file_entry * oscap_file_entry_dup ( struct oscap_file_entry file_entry)
void oscap_file_entry_free ( struct oscap_file_entry entry)
const char * oscap_file_entry_get_file ( struct oscap_file_entry entry)
const char * oscap_file_entry_get_system ( struct oscap_file_entry entry)
void oscap_file_entry_iterator_free ( struct oscap_file_entry_iterator it)
bool oscap_file_entry_iterator_has_more ( struct oscap_file_entry_iterator it)
struct oscap_file_entry * oscap_file_entry_iterator_next ( struct oscap_file_entry_iterator it)
void oscap_file_entry_iterator_reset ( struct oscap_file_entry_iterator it)
void oscap_file_entry_list_free ( struct oscap_file_entry_list list)
struct oscap_file_entry_iterator * oscap_file_entry_list_get_files ( struct oscap_file_entry_list list)
struct oscap_file_entry_list * oscap_file_entry_list_new ( void  )
struct oscap_file_entry * oscap_file_entry_new ( void  )
struct oscap_stringlist* xccdf_item_get_files ( struct xccdf_item item)

Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules.

Every check needs this file to be evaluated properly. If this file will not be imported and bind to the XCCDF Policy system the result of rule after evaluation will be "Not checked"

struct oscap_file_entry_list* xccdf_item_get_systems_and_files ( struct xccdf_item item)

Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules.

Every check needs this file to be evaluated properly. If this file will not be imported and bind to the XCCDF Policy system the result of rule after evaluation will be "Not checked"

The resulting list should be freed with oscap_filelist_free.

bool xccdf_policy_add_select ( struct xccdf_policy ,
struct xccdf_select  

Add rule to Policy.

true if rule has been added succesfully
bool xccdf_policy_add_value ( struct xccdf_policy ,
struct xccdf_value_binding  

Add value binding to the Policy structure.

true if rule has been added succesfully
struct xccdf_result * xccdf_policy_evaluate ( struct xccdf_policy policy)

Call the checking engine for each selected rule in given policy structure.

policygiven Policy to evaluate
true if evaluation pass or false in case of error
Before each policy evaluation user has to register callback that will be called for each check. Every checking engine must have registered callback or the particular check will be skipped. In the code below is used the predefined function oval_agent_eval_rule for evaluation OVAL checks:
* xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_oval(policy_mode, agent_session)
If you use this predefined OVAL callback, user data structure (last parameter of register function) MUST be of type oval_agent_session_t:
* struct oval_agent_session * sess = oval_agent_new_session((struct oval_definition_model *) model, "name-of-file");
int xccdf_policy_generate_fix ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
struct xccdf_result result,
const char *  sys,
int  output_fd 

Generate remediation prescription (presumably a remediation script).

policyXCCDF Policy
resultXCCDF TestResult. This may be omitted to generate the prescription based solely on the XCCDF Policy (xccdf:Profile).
sysConsider only those fixes that have attribute equal to sys
output_fdwrite prescription to this file descriptor
zero on success, non-zero indicate partial (incomplete) output.
const char * xccdf_policy_get_id ( struct xccdf_policy policy)

Get ID of XCCDF Profile that is implemented by XCCDF Policy.

policyXCCDF Policy
ID of Policy's Profile
struct xccdf_policy_model * xccdf_policy_get_model ( const struct xccdf_policy policy)

Get model from Policy (parent structure of Policy to access the benchmark)

policyXCCDF Policy
Policy model
struct xccdf_profile * xccdf_policy_get_profile ( const struct xccdf_policy )

Get XCCDF Profile from Policy.

XCCDF Profile
char * xccdf_policy_get_readable_item_description ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
struct xccdf_item item,
const char *  preferred_lang 

Get human readable description of given XCCDF Item.

This function searches for description with the best matching language and resolves any inner <xccdf:sub> substitution (in accordance with the given XCCDF Policy.

policyXCCDF Policy
itemXCCDF Item to query description from
preferred_langLanguage of your choice, Null value for the default.
plaintext C string which must be freed by caller
char * xccdf_policy_get_readable_item_title ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
struct xccdf_item item,
const char *  preferred_lang 

Get human readable title of given XCCDF Item.

This finds title with best matching language and resolves <xccdf:sub> substitution in accordance with the given XCCDF Policy.

policyXCCDF Policy
itemXCCDF Item to query title from
preferred_langLanguage of your choice, Null value for the default.
plaintext C string which must be freed by caller
struct xccdf_result * xccdf_policy_get_result_by_id ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
const char *  id 

Get XCCDF Result structure by it's idetificator if there is one.

structure xccdf_result if found, NULL otherwise
struct xccdf_score* xccdf_policy_get_score ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
struct xccdf_result test_result,
const char *  system 

Get score of the XCCDF Benchmark.

policyXCCDF Policy
test_resultTest Result model
systemScore system
struct xccdf_select * xccdf_policy_get_select_by_id ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
const char *  item_id 

Get select from policy by specified ID of XCCDF Item.

XCCDF Select
struct xccdf_select_iterator * xccdf_policy_get_selected_rules ( struct xccdf_policy )

Get selected rules from policy.

Pointer to select iterator.
Return values
NULLon faliure
int xccdf_policy_get_selected_rules_count ( struct xccdf_policy policy)

Retrieves number of selected items in the policy.

This is meant to be used to estimate scanning progress for example.
struct xccdf_select_iterator * xccdf_policy_get_selects ( const struct xccdf_policy )

Get rules from Policy.

const char * xccdf_policy_get_value_of_item ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
struct xccdf_item item 

Get value of given value item in context of given policy.

policyXCCDF policy
itemthe xccdf:Value to resolve
string representation of resolved value_instance.
Return values
NULLindicates failure
bool xccdf_policy_is_item_selected ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
const char *  id 

Get the selection settings of the item.

true if the item is selected
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_autodetect ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
const char *  filepath 

Registers an additional CPE resource (either dictionary or language) Autodetects given file and acts accordingly.

The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence!

Deprecated in favor of xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_autodetect_source
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_autodetect_source ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
struct oscap_source source 

Registers an additional CPE resource (either dictionary or language) Autodetects given file and acts accordingly.

The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence!

bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_dict ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
const char *  cpe_dict 

Registers an additional CPE dictionary for applicability testing The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence!

Deprecated in favor of xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_dict_source
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_lang_model ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
const char *  cpe_lang 

Registers an additional CPE lang model for applicability testing The one embedded in the evaluated XCCDF take precedence!

Deprecated in favor of xccdf_policy_model_add_cpe_lang_model_source
bool xccdf_policy_model_add_policy ( struct xccdf_policy_model ,
struct xccdf_policy  

Add Policy to Policy Model.

true if policy has been added succesfully
int xccdf_policy_model_build_all_useful_policies ( struct xccdf_policy_model policy_model)

Build all policies that can be useful for user.

The useful policy is any that contains at least one Rule. For example the default profile oftentimes does not contain any rules.

policy_model- XCCDF Policy Model
0 on success
struct xccdf_benchmark * xccdf_policy_model_get_benchmark ( const struct xccdf_policy_model item)

Get Benchmark from Policy Model.

itemPolicy model structure
XCCDF Benchmark for given policy model
struct oscap_stringlist* xccdf_policy_model_get_files ( struct xccdf_policy_model policy_model)

Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules.

Every check needs this file to be evaluated properly. If this file will not be imported and bind to the XCCDF Policy system the result of rule after evaluation will be "Not checked"

struct xccdf_policy_iterator * xccdf_policy_model_get_policies ( const struct xccdf_policy_model model)

Get policies from Policy Model.

Be aware, this function returns only a list of previously initialized policies. A policy can be initialized by xccdf_policy_model_get_policy_by_id.

modelPolicy Model
Iterator for list of policies
struct xccdf_policy * xccdf_policy_model_get_policy_by_id ( struct xccdf_policy_model policy_model,
const char *  id 

Get XCCDF Policy from Policy model by speciefied ID of Profile.

policy_modelXCCDF Policy model
idID of Profile
XCCDF Policy
struct oscap_file_entry_list* xccdf_policy_model_get_systems_and_files ( struct xccdf_policy_model policy_model)

Return names of files that are used in checks of particular rules.

Every check needs this file to be evaluated properly. If this file will not be imported and bind to the XCCDF Policy system the result of rule after evaluation will be "Not checked"

The resulting list should be freed with oscap_filelist_free.

struct xccdf_policy_model * xccdf_policy_model_new ( struct xccdf_benchmark benchmark)

Constructor of Policy Model structure.

benchmarkStruct xccdf_benchmark with benchmark model
new xccdf_policy_model
The policy model will take ownership of given benchmark and free it when it's being destructed!
bool xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_and_query_callback ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
char *  sys,
xccdf_policy_engine_eval_fn  eval_fn,
void *  usr,
xccdf_policy_engine_query_fn  query_fn 

Function to register callback for checking system.

modelXCCDF Policy Model
sysString representing given checking system
eval_fnCallback - pointer to function called by XCCDF Policy system when rule parsed
usroptional parameter for passing user data to callback
query_fn- optional parameter for providing xccdf_policy_engine_query_fn implementation for given system.
true if callback registered succesfully, false otherwise
bool xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_callback ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
char *  sys,
void *  func,
void *  usr 

Function to register callback for checking system.

modelXCCDF Policy Model
sysString representing given checking system
funcCallback - pointer to function called by XCCDF Policy system when rule parsed
usroptional parameter for passing user data to callback
true if callback registered succesfully, false otherwise
This function is deprecated by xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_and_query_callback and might be dropped from future releases.
bool xccdf_policy_model_register_output_callback ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
policy_reporter_output  func,
void *  usr 

Function to register output callback for checking system that will be called AFTER each rule evaluation.

modelXCCDF Policy Model
funcCallback - pointer to function called by XCCDF Policy system when rule parsed
usroptional parameter for passing user data to callback
true if callback registered succesfully, false otherwise
bool xccdf_policy_model_register_start_callback ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
policy_reporter_start  func,
void *  usr 

Function to register start callback for checking system that will be called BEFORE each rule evaluation.

modelXCCDF Policy Model
funcCallback - pointer to function called by XCCDF Policy system when rule parsed
usroptional parameter for passing user data to callback
true if callback registered succesfully, false otherwise
bool xccdf_policy_model_set_tailoring ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
struct xccdf_tailoring tailoring 

Sets the Tailoring element to use in the policy.

Profiles from the Benchmark may be shadowed by profiles in the given Tailoring element! Calling this function will affect the results of xccdf_policy_model_get_policy_by_id calls.

This does INVALIDATE preexisting xccdf_policy pointers in this xccdf_policy_model! It is recommended to call this function before policy for any profile is queried.

The policy model will take ownership of given tailoring and free it when it's being destructed or when new tailoring is being set.
struct xccdf_policy * xccdf_policy_new ( struct xccdf_policy_model model,
struct xccdf_profile profile 

Constructor of Policy structure.

modelPolicy model
profileProfile from XCCDF Benchmark
int xccdf_policy_recalculate_score ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
struct xccdf_result test_result 

Recalculate score of the XCCDF Benchmark.

policyXCCDF Policy
test_resultTest Result model
zero on success
bool xccdf_policy_resolve ( struct xccdf_policy policy)

Resolve benchmark by applying all refine_rules and refine_values to rules / values of benchmark.

All properties in benchmark will be irreversible changed and user has to load benchmark (from XML) again to discard these changes.

policyXCCDF policy containing rules/values that will be applied to benchmark rules/values.
true if process ends succesfuly or false in case of error
bool xccdf_policy_set_selected ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
char *  idref 

Set a new selector to the Policy structure.

true if rule has been added succesfully
This function is deprecated by xccdf_policy_add_select and might be dropped from future releases.
char* xccdf_policy_substitute ( const char *  text,
struct xccdf_policy policy 

Perform textual substitution of cdf:sub elements with respect to given XCCDF policy.

texttext to be substituted
policypolicy to be used
struct xccdf_item* xccdf_policy_tailor_item ( struct xccdf_policy policy,
struct xccdf_item item 

Clone the item and tailor it against given policy (profile)

policyPolicy with profile
itemXCCDF item to be tailored
new item that has to be freed by user
This function is deprecated and might be dropped from future releases.
xccdf_test_result_type_t xccdf_test_result_resolve_and_operation ( xccdf_test_result_type_t  A,
xccdf_test_result_type_t  B 

Return result of the AND operation for two given attributes.

For more details about the attributes A and B please consult 'Table 26: Possible Results for a Single Test' from NISTIR-7275r4. For more details about the AND operation please consult 'Table 12: Truth Table for AND' in the very same document.

char * xccdf_value_binding_get_name ( const struct xccdf_value_binding )

Get variable name from value bindings.

xccdf_operator_t xccdf_value_binding_get_operator ( const struct xccdf_value_binding )

get Value operator from value bindings

char * xccdf_value_binding_get_setvalue ( const struct xccdf_value_binding )

get Set Value from value bindings

xccdf_value_type_t xccdf_value_binding_get_type ( const struct xccdf_value_binding )

get variable type from value bindings

char * xccdf_value_binding_get_value ( const struct xccdf_value_binding )

Get value from value bindings.

struct xccdf_value_binding * xccdf_value_binding_new ( void  )

Constructor of structure with profile bindings - refine_rules, refine_values and set_values.

new structure of xccdf_value_binding