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Common probe API - object, entity, item manipulation

Detailed Description

This file contains functions for manipulating with the S-exp representation of OVAL objects and items.

Currently object and items have the same structure and the API distinction is just formal. However, the structure can diverge in the future and the API functions for manipulating with items should be used only with items and vice versa. The most recent description of the object and item structure can be found in this file and should be used as the main source of information for implementing new API functions. In the following text, the term `element' referers to the general structure which is used to represent the various components of an OVAL document, particularly the OVAL objects, items and entities.

The basic structure of an element looks like this:

(foo_object bar)

foo_object is the element name and bar is the value of the element. There can be 0 to n values. In case the element has some attributes set the structure changes to:

((foo_object :attr1 val1) bar)

where attr1 is the name of the attribute and val1 is the attribute's value. The colon in the attribute name signals that the attribute has a value.

Data Structures

struct  _oresults
struct  probe_elmatr_t


file  probe-api.c
 Probe API implmentation.


#define PROBE_API_H
#define probe_item_getent(item, name, n)   probe_obj_getent (item, name, n)
#define PROBE_EINVAL   1
 Invalid type/value/format.
#define PROBE_ENOELM   2
 Missing element OBSOLETE: use ENOENT.
#define PROBE_ENOVAL   3
 Missing value.
#define PROBE_ENOATTR   4
 Missing attribute.
#define PROBE_EINIT   5
 Initialization failed.
#define PROBE_ENOMEM   6
 No memory.
 Not supported.
#define PROBE_ERANGE   8
 Out of range.
#define PROBE_EDOM   9
 Out of domain.
#define PROBE_EFAULT   10
 Memory fault/NULL value.
#define PROBE_EACCESS   11
 Operation not permitted.
#define PROBE_ESETEVAL   12
 Set evaluation failed.
#define PROBE_ENOENT   13
 Missing entity.
#define PROBE_ENOOBJ   14
 Missing object.
 Evaluation aborted.
#define PROBE_ESYSTEM   253
 System call failure.
#define PROBE_EFATAL   254
 Unrecoverable error.
#define PROBE_EUNKNOWN   255
 Unknown/Unexpected error.
 State fetch command code.
 Object eval command code.
#define PROBECMD_RESET   3
 Reset command code.
#define PROBE_ENT_AREF(ent, dst, attr_name, invalid_exp)
#define PROBE_ENT_STRVAL(ent, dst, dstlen, invalid_exp, zerolen_exp)
#define PROBE_ENT_I32VAL(ent, dst, invalid_exp, nil_exp)


typedef struct probe_ctx probe_ctx


oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_binary (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two binary values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_bool (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two boolean values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_evr (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two epoch-version-release values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_debian_evr (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two Debian epoch-version-release values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_filesetrev (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_float (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two floating point values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_int (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two integer values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_ios (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two ios values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_version (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two version values. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_string (SEXP_t *val1, SEXP_t *val2, oval_operation_t op)
 Compare two string values. More...
oval_result_t probe_entste_cmp (SEXP_t *ent_ste, SEXP_t *ent_itm)
 Compare state entity's content with a item entity's value. More...
oval_result_t probe_entobj_cmp (SEXP_t *ent_obj, SEXP_t *val)
 Compare object entity's content with a value. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_result_bychk (SEXP_t *res_lst, oval_check_t check)
 Compute the overall result. More...
oval_result_t probe_ent_result_byopr (SEXP_t *res_lst, oval_operator_t operator)
 Compute the overall result. More...
probe_rcache_tOSCAP_GSYM (pcache)
probe_ncache_tOSCAP_GSYM (ncache)
struct id_desc_t OSCAP_GSYM (id_desc)
probe_option_tOSCAP_GSYM (probe_optdef)
size_t OSCAP_GSYM (probe_optdef_count)
SEXP_tprobe_item_creat (const char *name, SEXP_t *attrs,...)
 Create a new item consisting of a name, optional attributes argument and an arbitrary number of entities. More...
SEXP_tprobe_item_new (const char *name, SEXP_t *attrs)
 Create a new item with just a name and optional attributes argument. More...
SEXP_tprobe_item_attr_add (SEXP_t *item, const char *name, SEXP_t *val)
 Add a new attribute to an item. More...
SEXP_tprobe_item_ent_add (SEXP_t *item, const char *name, SEXP_t *attrs, SEXP_t *val)
 Add a new entity to an item. More...
int probe_item_setstatus (SEXP_t *obj, oval_syschar_status_t status)
 Set item's status. More...
int probe_itement_setstatus (SEXP_t *obj, const char *name, uint32_t n, oval_syschar_status_t status)
 Set status of an item's entity. More...
void probe_item_resetidctr (struct id_desc_t *id_desc)
 Reset the item id generator. More...
bool probe_item_filtered (const SEXP_t *item, const SEXP_t *filters)
SEXP_tprobe_attr_creat (const char *name, const SEXP_t *val,...)
 Create a new list of attributes. More...
SEXP_tprobe_obj_creat (const char *name, SEXP_t *attrs,...)
 Create a new object consisting of a name, optional attributes argument and an arbitrary number of entities. More...
SEXP_tprobe_obj_new (const char *name, SEXP_t *attrs)
 Create a new object with just a name and optional attributes argument. More...
SEXP_tprobe_obj_getent (const SEXP_t *obj, const char *name, uint32_t n)
 Get an entity from an object. More...
SEXP_tprobe_obj_getentval (const SEXP_t *obj, const char *name, uint32_t n)
 Get the value of an object's entity. More...
int probe_obj_getentvals (const SEXP_t *obj, const char *name, uint32_t n, SEXP_t **res)
 Get the list of values of an object's entity. More...
oval_version_t probe_obj_get_schema_version (const SEXP_t *obj)
oval_schema_version_t probe_obj_get_platform_schema_version (const SEXP_t *obj)
SEXP_tprobe_obj_getattrval (const SEXP_t *obj, const char *name)
 Get the value of an object's attribute. More...
bool probe_obj_attrexists (const SEXP_t *obj, const char *name)
 Check whether the specified attribute exists. More...
int probe_obj_setstatus (SEXP_t *obj, oval_syschar_status_t status)
 Set objects's status. More...
char * probe_obj_getname (const SEXP_t *obj)
 Get the name of an object. More...
size_t probe_obj_getname_r (const SEXP_t *obj, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
 Get the name of an object. More...
SEXP_tprobe_cobj_new (oval_syschar_collection_flag_t flag, SEXP_t *msg_list, SEXP_t *item_list, SEXP_t *mask_list)
int probe_cobj_add_msg (SEXP_t *cobj, const SEXP_t *msg)
SEXP_tprobe_cobj_get_msgs (const SEXP_t *cobj)
SEXP_tprobe_cobj_get_mask (const SEXP_t *cobj)
int probe_cobj_add_item (SEXP_t *cobj, const SEXP_t *item)
SEXP_tprobe_cobj_get_items (const SEXP_t *cobj)
void probe_cobj_set_flag (SEXP_t *cobj, oval_syschar_collection_flag_t flag)
oval_syschar_collection_flag_t probe_cobj_get_flag (const SEXP_t *cobj)
oval_syschar_collection_flag_t probe_cobj_combine_flags (oval_syschar_collection_flag_t f1, oval_syschar_collection_flag_t f2, oval_setobject_operation_t op)
oval_syschar_collection_flag_t probe_cobj_compute_flag (SEXP_t *cobj)
SEXP_tprobe_msg_creat (oval_message_level_t level, char *message)
 Create a new message that can be added to a collected object. More...
SEXP_tprobe_msg_creatf (oval_message_level_t level, const char *fmt,...) __attribute__((format(printf
 Create a new message that can be added to a collected object. More...
SEXP_tprobe_ent_creat (const char *name, SEXP_t *attrs, SEXP_t *val,...)
 Create a new list of entities. More...
SEXP_tprobe_ent_creat1 (const char *name, SEXP_t *attrs, SEXP_t *val)
 Create a new entity. More...
SEXP_tprobe_ent_attr_add (SEXP_t *ent, const char *name, SEXP_t *val)
 Add a new attribute to an entity. More...
int probe_ent_getvals (const SEXP_t *ent, SEXP_t **res)
 Get the list of values of an entity. More...
SEXP_tprobe_ent_getval (const SEXP_t *ent)
 Get the value of an entity. More...
SEXP_tprobe_ent_getattrval (const SEXP_t *ent, const char *name)
 Get the value of an entity's attribute. More...
bool probe_ent_attrexists (const SEXP_t *ent, const char *name)
 Check whether the specified attribute exists. More...
int probe_ent_setdatatype (SEXP_t *ent, oval_datatype_t type)
 Set the OVAL data type of an entity. More...
oval_datatype_t probe_ent_getdatatype (const SEXP_t *ent)
 Get the OVAL data type of an entity. More...
int probe_ent_setmask (SEXP_t *ent, bool mask)
 Set entity's mask. More...
bool probe_ent_getmask (const SEXP_t *ent)
 Get entity's mask. More...
int probe_ent_setstatus (SEXP_t *ent, oval_syschar_status_t status)
 Set entity's status. More...
oval_syschar_status_t probe_ent_getstatus (const SEXP_t *ent)
 Get entity status. More...
char * probe_ent_getname (const SEXP_t *ent)
 Get the name of an entity. More...
size_t probe_ent_getname_r (const SEXP_t *ent, char *buffer, size_t buflen)
 Get the name of an entity. More...
void probe_free (SEXP_t *obj)
 Free the memory allocated by the probe_* functions. More...
void probe_filebehaviors_canonicalize (SEXP_t **behaviors)
 Set all of the missing attributes of the 'behaviors' entity to default values. More...
void probe_tfc54behaviors_canonicalize (SEXP_t **behaviors)
 Set all of the missing attributes of the 'behaviors' entity to default values. More...
SEXP_tprobe_item_create (oval_subtype_t item_subtype, probe_elmatr_t *item_attributes[],...)
 The order of (value_name, value_type, *value) argument tuples passed as e.g. More...
oval_operation_t probe_ent_getoperation (SEXP_t *entity, oval_operation_t default_op)
int probe_item_add_msg (SEXP_t *item, oval_message_level_t msglvl, char *msgfmt,...)
SEXP_tprobe_entval_from_cstr (oval_datatype_t type, const char *value, size_t vallen)
SEXP_tprobe_ent_from_cstr (const char *name, oval_datatype_t type, const char *value, size_t vallen)
SEXP_tprobe_obj_getmask (SEXP_t *obj)
 Get object entity mask. More...
SEXP_tprobe_item_build (const char *fmt,...)
 Build a new item according to the specified format. More...
SEXP_tprobe_item_newid (struct id_desc_t *id_desc)
 Get a new unique id (within a probe) for an item. More...
SEXP_tprobe_obj_build (const char *fmt,...)
 Build a new object according to the specified format. More...
int probe_objent_setstatus (SEXP_t *obj, const char *name, uint32_t n, oval_syschar_status_t status)
 Set status of an object's entity. More...
SEXP_t nonnull (2)))
int probe_offline_mode_supported (void)
 In this function can be set supported type of offline mode.
void probe_preload (void)
 Dummy probe_preload function. More...
void * probe_init (void) __attribute__((unused))
 Dummy probe_fini function.
void probe_fini (void *) __attribute__((unused))
 Dummy probe_fini function.
int probe_main (probe_ctx *, void *) __attribute__((nonnull(1)))
int probe_result_additem (SEXP_t *result, SEXP_t *item)
int probe_item_collect (probe_ctx *ctx, SEXP_t *item)
 Collect generated item (i.e. More...
SEXP_tprobe_ctx_getobject (probe_ctx *ctx)
 Return reference to the input object. More...
SEXP_tprobe_ctx_getresult (probe_ctx *ctx)
 Return reference to the output object (aka collected object). More...

Macro Definition Documentation

#define PROBE_ENT_AREF (   ent,
do { \
if (((dst) = probe_ent_getattrval(ent, attr_name)) == NULL) { \
dE("Attribute `%s' is missing!", attr_name); \
invalid_exp \
} \
} while(0)
SEXP_t * probe_ent_getattrval(const SEXP_t *ent, const char *name)
Get the value of an entity's attribute.
Definition: probe-api.c:1060
#define PROBE_ENT_I32VAL (   ent,
do { \
SEXP_t *___r; \
if ((___r = probe_ent_getval(ent)) == NULL) { \
dW("Entity has no value!"); \
nil_exp; \
} else { \
if (!SEXP_numberp(___r)) { \
dE("Invalid type"); \
SEXP_free(___r); \
invalid_exp; \
} else { \
dst = SEXP_number_geti_32(___r); \
SEXP_free(___r); \
} \
} \
} while (0)
int32_t SEXP_number_geti_32(const SEXP_t *s_exp)
Get integer value from a sexp object.
Definition: sexp-manip.c:268
SEXP_t * probe_ent_getval(const SEXP_t *ent)
Get the value of an entity.
Definition: probe-api.c:1035
bool SEXP_numberp(const SEXP_t *s_exp)
Check whether the provided sexp object is a number.
Definition: sexp-manip.c:564
#define PROBE_ENT_STRVAL (   ent,
do { \
SEXP_t *___r; \
if ((___r = probe_ent_getval(ent)) == NULL) { \
dW("Entity has no value!"); \
invalid_exp \
} else { \
if (!SEXP_stringp(___r)) { \
dE("Invalid type"); \
SEXP_free(___r); \
invalid_exp \
} \
else if (SEXP_string_length(___r) == 0) { \
SEXP_free(___r); \
zerolen_exp \
} else { \
SEXP_string_cstr_r(___r, dst, dstlen); \
SEXP_free(___r); \
} \
} \
} while (0)
size_t SEXP_string_cstr_r(const SEXP_t *s_exp, char *buf, size_t len) __attribute__((nonnull(2)))
Get a C string from a sexp object.
Definition: sexp-manip.c:787
SEXP_t * probe_ent_getval(const SEXP_t *ent)
Get the value of an entity.
Definition: probe-api.c:1035
bool SEXP_stringp(const SEXP_t *s_exp)
Check whether the provided sexp object is a string.
Definition: sexp-manip.c:631
size_t SEXP_string_length(const SEXP_t *s_exp)
Get the length of a string in a sexp object.
Definition: sexp-manip.c:643

Function Documentation

SEXP_t * probe_attr_creat ( const char *  name,
const SEXP_t val,

Create a new list of attributes.

This function increments its val argument's reference count.

namethe name of the attribute
valthe value of the attribute
...there can be an arbitrary number of name - value pairs
SEXP_t* probe_ctx_getobject ( probe_ctx ctx)

Return reference to the input object.

The reference counter is NOT incremented by this operation (i.e. don't call SEXP_free on the return value of this function). Implementation of this function is placed in the `' file.

SEXP_t* probe_ctx_getresult ( probe_ctx ctx)

Return reference to the output object (aka collected object).

Reference counter is NOT incremented (see the description of probe_ctx_getobject above).

SEXP_t * probe_ent_attr_add ( SEXP_t ent,
const char *  name,
SEXP_t val 

Add a new attribute to an entity.

This function increments its val argument's reference count.

entthe entity to be modified
namename of the new attribute
valvalue of the new attribute
bool probe_ent_attrexists ( const SEXP_t ent,
const char *  name 

Check whether the specified attribute exists.

entthe queried entity
namethe name of the attribute
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_binary ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two binary values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_bool ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two boolean values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_debian_evr ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two Debian epoch-version-release values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_evr ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two epoch-version-release values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_filesetrev ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_float ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two floating point values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_int ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two integer values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_ios ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two ios values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_string ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two string values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
oval_result_t probe_ent_cmp_version ( SEXP_t val1,
SEXP_t val2,
oval_operation_t  op 

Compare two version values.

The operation to use is specified by the operation enumeration value.

val1the first value
val2the second value
opthe desired operation
SEXP_t * probe_ent_creat ( const char *  name,
SEXP_t attrs,
SEXP_t val,

Create a new list of entities.

This function increments its SEXP_t arguments' reference count.

namethe name of the entity
attrsoptional entity's attributes argument
valthe value of the entity
...there can be an arbitrary number of name - attributes - value triples
SEXP_t * probe_ent_creat1 ( const char *  name,
SEXP_t attrs,
SEXP_t val 

Create a new entity.

This function increments its SEXP_t arguments' reference count.

namethe name of the entity
attrsoptional entity's attributes argument
valthe value of the entity
SEXP_t * probe_ent_getattrval ( const SEXP_t ent,
const char *  name 

Get the value of an entity's attribute.

entthe queried entity
namethe name of the attribute
oval_datatype_t probe_ent_getdatatype ( const SEXP_t ent)

Get the OVAL data type of an entity.

entthe queried entity
bool probe_ent_getmask ( const SEXP_t ent)

Get entity's mask.

entthe queried entity
char * probe_ent_getname ( const SEXP_t ent)

Get the name of an entity.

entthe queried entity
size_t probe_ent_getname_r ( const SEXP_t ent,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen 

Get the name of an entity.

The name is stored in the provided buffer.

entthe queried entity
bufferthe buffer to store the name in
buflenthe length of the buffer
oval_syschar_status_t probe_ent_getstatus ( const SEXP_t ent)

Get entity status.

entthe queried entity
SEXP_t * probe_ent_getval ( const SEXP_t ent)

Get the value of an entity.

The function respects the var_ref attribute and returns the currently selected value.

entthe queried entity
int probe_ent_getvals ( const SEXP_t ent,
SEXP_t **  res 

Get the list of values of an entity.

If the entity uses var_ref, there can be more than one value.

entthe queried entity
resthe resulting value list is stored in this argument
number of values in the list stored in the res argument
oval_result_t probe_ent_result_bychk ( SEXP_t res_lst,
oval_check_t  check 

Compute the overall result.

Compute the overall result from a results vector and a check enumeration parameter.

res_lstthe results vector
checkthe check enumeration value
oval_result_t probe_ent_result_byopr ( SEXP_t res_lst,
oval_operator_t  operator 

Compute the overall result.

Compute the overall result from a results vector and a operator enumeration parameter.

res_lstthe results vector
checkthe operator enumeration value
int probe_ent_setdatatype ( SEXP_t ent,
oval_datatype_t  type 

Set the OVAL data type of an entity.

entthe queried entity
typethe new data type
int probe_ent_setmask ( SEXP_t ent,
bool  mask 

Set entity's mask.

entthe queried entity the new mask
int probe_ent_setstatus ( SEXP_t ent,
oval_syschar_status_t  status 

Set entity's status.

entthe entity to be modified
statusthe new status
oval_result_t probe_entobj_cmp ( SEXP_t ent_obj,
SEXP_t val 

Compare object entity's content with a value.

The result depends on the operation attribute and a possible var_check attribute.

ent_objobject entity
valraw value
oval_result_t probe_entste_cmp ( SEXP_t ent_ste,
SEXP_t ent_itm 

Compare state entity's content with a item entity's value.

The result depends on the operation attribute, a possible var_check attribute and item entity's status.

ent_stestate entity
ent_itmitem entity
void probe_filebehaviors_canonicalize ( SEXP_t **  behaviors)

Set all of the missing attributes of the 'behaviors' entity to default values.

If the referenced pointer contains NULL, a new entity is created and stored in the referenced pointer.

behaviorsaddress of the pointer to the 'behaviors' entity, must not be NULL
void probe_free ( SEXP_t obj)

Free the memory allocated by the probe_* functions.

objthe object to be freed
SEXP_t * probe_item_attr_add ( SEXP_t item,
const char *  name,
SEXP_t val 

Add a new attribute to an item.

This function increments its val argument's reference count.

itemthe item to be modified
namename of the new attribute
valvalue of the new attribute
SEXP_t* probe_item_build ( const char *  fmt,

Build a new item according to the specified format.

fmtthe desired format
int probe_item_collect ( struct probe_ctx ctx,
SEXP_t item 

Collect generated item (i.e.

add it to the collected object) The function takes ownership of the item reference and takes care of freeing the item (i.e. don't call SEXP_free(item) after calling this function). The implementation of this function is placed in the `probe/icache.c' file.

Collect generated item (i.e.

Returns: 0 ... the item was succesfully added to the collected object 1 ... the item was filtered out 2 ... the item was not added because of memory constraints and the collected object was flagged as incomplete -1 ... unexpected/internal error

The caller must not free the item, it's freed automatically by this function or by the icache worker thread.

SEXP_t * probe_item_creat ( const char *  name,
SEXP_t attrs,

Create a new item consisting of a name, optional attributes argument and an arbitrary number of entities.

Every entity is a triple: const char *name - name of the new entity SEXP_t attrs - optional list of entity attributes in a sexp, can be NULL SEXP_t val - value of the new entity in a sexp This function increments its SEXP_t arguments' reference count.

namemandatory name argument
attrsoptional item's attributes argument
...arbitrary number of entity arguments
SEXP_t * probe_item_create ( oval_subtype_t  item_subtype,
probe_elmatr_t item_attributes[],

The order of (value_name, value_type, *value) argument tuples passed as e.g.

3rd to 5th arguments matters. If you change ordering of those tuples, it will have consequences.

SEXP_t * probe_item_ent_add ( SEXP_t item,
const char *  name,
SEXP_t attrs,
SEXP_t val 

Add a new entity to an item.

This function increments its attrs and val arguments' reference count.

itemthe item to be modified
namename of the new entity
attrsoptional attributes of the new entity
valvalue of the new entity
SEXP_t * probe_item_new ( const char *  name,
SEXP_t attrs 

Create a new item with just a name and optional attributes argument.

nameitem's name
attrsoptional attributes argument
SEXP_t* probe_item_newid ( struct id_desc_t id_desc)

Get a new unique id (within a probe) for an item.

id_descpointer to a structure holding the global id context
a new id
void probe_item_resetidctr ( struct id_desc_t id_desc)

Reset the item id generator.

id_descpointer to a structure holding the global id context
int probe_item_setstatus ( SEXP_t obj,
oval_syschar_status_t  status 

Set item's status.

objthe item to be modified
statusthe new status
int probe_itement_setstatus ( SEXP_t obj,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  n,
oval_syschar_status_t  status 

Set status of an item's entity.

objthe item to be modified
namethe name of the entity
nselect the n-th occurence of an entity with the specified name
statusthe new status
SEXP_t * probe_msg_creat ( oval_message_level_t  level,
char *  message 

Create a new message that can be added to a collected object.

levelthe level associated with the new message
messagethe text of the new message
SEXP_t * probe_msg_creatf ( oval_message_level_t  level,
const char *  fmt,

Create a new message that can be added to a collected object.

levelthe level associated with the new message
fmtprintf-like format string that produces the text of the new message
...arguments for the format
bool probe_obj_attrexists ( const SEXP_t obj,
const char *  name 

Check whether the specified attribute exists.

objthe queried object
namethe name of the attribute
SEXP_t* probe_obj_build ( const char *  fmt,

Build a new object according to the specified format.

fmtthe desired format
SEXP_t * probe_obj_creat ( const char *  name,
SEXP_t attrs,

Create a new object consisting of a name, optional attributes argument and an arbitrary number of entities.

Every entity is a triple: const char *name - name of the new entity SEXP_t attrs - optional list of entity attributes in a sexp, can be NULL SEXP_t val - value of the new entity in a sexp This function increments its SEXP_t arguments' reference count.

namemandatory name argument
attrsoptional object's attributes argument
...arbitrary number of entity arguments
SEXP_t * probe_obj_getattrval ( const SEXP_t obj,
const char *  name 

Get the value of an object's attribute.

objthe queried object
namethe name of the attribute
SEXP_t * probe_obj_getent ( const SEXP_t obj,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  n 

Get an entity from an object.

objthe queried object
namethe name of the entity
nselect the n-th occurence of an entity with the specified name
SEXP_t * probe_obj_getentval ( const SEXP_t obj,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  n 

Get the value of an object's entity.

The function respects the var_ref attribute and returns the currently selected value.

objthe queried object
namethe name of the entity
nselect the n-th occurence of an entity with the specified name
int probe_obj_getentvals ( const SEXP_t obj,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  n,
SEXP_t **  res 

Get the list of values of an object's entity.

If the entity uses var_ref, there can be more than one value.

objthe queried object
namethe name of the entity
nselect the n-th occurence of an entity with the specified name
resthe resulting value list is stored in this argument
number of values in the list stored in the res argument
SEXP_t * probe_obj_getmask ( SEXP_t obj)

Get object entity mask.

a list of masked entities
char * probe_obj_getname ( const SEXP_t obj)

Get the name of an object.

objthe queried object
size_t probe_obj_getname_r ( const SEXP_t obj,
char *  buffer,
size_t  buflen 

Get the name of an object.

The name is stored in the provided buffer.

objthe queried object
bufferthe buffer to store the name in
buflenthe length of the buffer
SEXP_t * probe_obj_new ( const char *  name,
SEXP_t attrs 

Create a new object with just a name and optional attributes argument.

This function increments its SEXP_t argument's reference count.

nameobject's name
attrsoptional attributes argument
int probe_obj_setstatus ( SEXP_t obj,
oval_syschar_status_t  status 

Set objects's status.

objthe object to be modified
statusthe new status
int probe_objent_setstatus ( SEXP_t obj,
const char *  name,
uint32_t  n,
oval_syschar_status_t  status 

Set status of an object's entity.

objthe object to be modified
namethe name of the entity
nselect the n-th occurence of an entity with the specified name
statusthe new status
void probe_preload ( void  )

Dummy probe_preload function.

This function is called right before chroot. It should load all dynamic libraries what can by used by probe after chroot.

void probe_tfc54behaviors_canonicalize ( SEXP_t **  behaviors)

Set all of the missing attributes of the 'behaviors' entity to default values.

If the referenced pointer contains NULL, a new entity is created and stored in the referenced pointer.

behaviorsaddress of the pointer to the 'behaviors' entity, must not be NULL