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SEAP and S-expression API

Detailed Description

Data Structures

struct  SEXP_list_it
struct  __dbginf_t


#define SEXP_MANIP_H
#define SEXP_number_newi   SEXP_number_newi_32
 Create a new sexp object from an integer. More...
#define SEXP_number_geti   SEXP_number_geti_32
 Get integer value from a sexp object. More...
#define SEXP_number_newu   SEXP_number_newu_32
 Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer. More...
#define SEXP_number_getu   SEXP_number_getu_32
 Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object. More...
#define SEXP_IT_RECURSIVE   0x01
#define SEXP_IT_HARDREF   0x02
#define SEXP_free(ptr)   __SEXP_free (ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__)
#define SEXP_vfree(...)   __SEXP_vfree (__FILE__, __LINE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, PP_NARG(__VA_ARGS__), __VA_ARGS__)


typedef struct SEXP_it SEXP_it_t
typedef struct SEXP_list_it SEXP_list_it


SEXP_tSEXP_number_new (SEXP_numtype_t t, const void *n) __attribute__((nonnull(2)))
 Create a new sexp object from a value and a number type. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newb (bool n)
 Create a new sexp object from a boolean value. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newi_8 (int8_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an integer. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newu_8 (uint8_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer. More...
uint8_t SEXP_number_getu_8 (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newi_16 (int16_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an integer. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newu_16 (uint16_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newi_32 (int32_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an integer. More...
int32_t SEXP_number_geti_32 (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get integer value from a sexp object. More...
bool SEXP_number_getb (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get boolean value from a sexp object. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newu_32 (uint32_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer. More...
uint32_t SEXP_number_getu_32 (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newi_64 (int64_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an integer. More...
int64_t SEXP_number_geti_64 (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get integer value from a sexp object. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newu_64 (uint64_t n)
 Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer. More...
uint64_t SEXP_number_getu_64 (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_number_newf (double n)
 Create a new sexp object from an floating point value. More...
double SEXP_number_getf (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get floating point value from a sexp object. More...
int SEXP_number_get (const SEXP_t *s_exp, void *dst, SEXP_numtype_t type)
 Get a value from a sexp object according to a specified type. More...
uint16_t SEXP_number_getu_16 (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object. More...
void SEXP_number_free (SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Free the specified sexp object. More...
bool SEXP_numberp (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Check whether the provided sexp object is a number. More...
SEXP_numtype_t SEXP_number_type (const SEXP_t *sexp)
 Get the number type of an object. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_string_new (const void *string, size_t strlen) __attribute__((nonnull(1)))
 Create a new sexp object from a string. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_string_newf (const char *format,...) __attribute__((format(printf
 Create a new sexp object from a format string. More...
SEXP_t nonnull (1)))
void SEXP_string_free (SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Free the specified sexp object. More...
bool SEXP_stringp (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Check whether the provided sexp object is a string. More...
size_t SEXP_string_length (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get the length of a string in a sexp object. More...
int SEXP_strcmp (const SEXP_t *s_exp, const char *str) __attribute__((nonnull(2)))
 Compare a string in a sexp object with a C string. More...
int SEXP_strncmp (const SEXP_t *s_exp, const char *str, size_t n) __attribute__((nonnull(2)))
 Compare a string in a sexp object with a C string. More...
int SEXP_string_nth (const SEXP_t *s_exp, size_t n)
 Get the n-th byte of a string. More...
char * SEXP_string_cstr (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get a C string from a sexp object.
size_t SEXP_string_cstr_r (const SEXP_t *s_exp, char *buf, size_t len) __attribute__((nonnull(2)))
 Get a C string from a sexp object. More...
char * SEXP_string_cstrp (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Obsolete function.
char * SEXP_string_subcstr (const SEXP_t *s_exp, size_t beg, size_t len)
 Get a C substring from a sexp object. More...
int SEXP_string_cmp (const SEXP_t *str_a, const SEXP_t *str_b)
 Compare two sexp strings. More...
bool SEXP_string_getb (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Try to cast the supplied sexp string to a boolean. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_new (SEXP_t *memb,...)
 Create a new sexp list, optionally initialized with the provided sexp arguments. More...
void SEXP_list_free (SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Free the specified sexp object. More...
bool SEXP_listp (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Check whether the provided sexp object is a list. More...
size_t SEXP_list_length (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get the length of the sexp list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_first (const SEXP_t *list)
 Get the first element of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_rest (const SEXP_t *list)
 Get the rest of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_last (const SEXP_t *list)
 Get the last element of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_nth (const SEXP_t *list, uint32_t n)
 Get the n-th element of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_add (SEXP_t *list, const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Add an element to a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_join (const SEXP_t *list_a, const SEXP_t *list_b)
 Create a new list containing the concatenated contents of two lists. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_push (SEXP_t *list, const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Push an element to the head of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_pop (SEXP_t *list)
 Extract the first element of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_list_sort (SEXP_t *list, int(*compare)(const SEXP_t *, const SEXP_t *))
 Sort a list using `compare' as the comparison function.
SEXP_tSEXP_list_replace (SEXP_t *list, uint32_t n, const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Replace the n-th element of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_listref_first (SEXP_t *list)
 Get the first element of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_listref_rest (SEXP_t *list)
 Get the rest of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_listref_last (SEXP_t *list)
 Get the last element of a list. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_listref_nth (SEXP_t *list, uint32_t n)
 Get the n-th element of a list. More...
SEXP_it_t * SEXP_listit_new (const SEXP_t *list, int flags)
SEXP_tSEXP_listit_next (SEXP_it_t *it)
SEXP_tSEXP_listit_prev (SEXP_it_t *it)
SEXP_tSEXP_listit_length (SEXP_it_t *it)
SEXP_tSEXP_listit_seek (SEXP_it_t *it, uint32_t n)
void SEXP_listit_free (SEXP_it_t *it)
SEXP_list_itSEXP_list_it_new (const SEXP_t *list)
SEXP_tSEXP_list_it_next (SEXP_list_it *it)
void SEXP_list_it_free (SEXP_list_it *it)
SEXP_tSEXP_new (void)
bool SEXP_emptyp (SEXP_t *sexp)
SEXP_tSEXP_ref (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Create a new reference to a sexp object. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_unref (SEXP_t *s_exp_o)
SEXP_tSEXP_softref (SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Create a new soft reference to a sexp object. More...
bool SEXP_softrefp (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Check whether an S-exp reference is a "soft" reference. More...
uint32_t SEXP_refs (const SEXP_t *ref)
 Return the value of the reference counter. More...
bool SEXP_eq (const SEXP_t *a, const SEXP_t *b)
int SEXP_refcmp (const SEXP_t *a, const SEXP_t *b)
 Compare reference pointers.
bool SEXP_deepcmp (const SEXP_t *a, const SEXP_t *b)
void __SEXP_free (SEXP_t *s_exp, const char *file, uint32_t line, const char *func)
void __SEXP_vfree (const char *file, uint32_t line, const char *func, int n, SEXP_t *s_exp,...)
const char * SEXP_datatype (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get the user data type of a sexp object. More...
int SEXP_datatype_set (SEXP_t *s_exp, const char *name) __attribute__((nonnull(2)))
 Set the user data type of a sexp object. More...
int SEXP_datatype_set_nth (SEXP_t *list, uint32_t n, const char *name) __attribute__((nonnull(3)))
 Set the user data type of the nth sexp object in a list. More...
SEXP_type_t SEXP_typeof (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get the type of a sexp object. More...
const char * SEXP_strtype (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
 Get a text description of the sexp object's type. More...
SEXP_tSEXP_build (const char *s_str,...)
size_t SEXP_sizeof (const SEXP_t *s_exp)
void __SEXP_VALIDATE (const SEXP_t *s_exp, const char *file, uint32_t line, const char *func)
SEXP_ID_t SEXP_ID_v (const SEXP_t *s)
 Compute an S-exp value identifier.
SEXP_ID_t SEXP_ID_v2 (const SEXP_t *s)
void SEXP_lstack_init (SEXP_lstack_t *stack)
SEXP_lstack_tSEXP_lstack_new (void)
void SEXP_lstack_destroy (SEXP_lstack_t *stack)
void SEXP_lstack_free (SEXP_lstack_t *stack)
SEXP_tSEXP_lstack_push (SEXP_lstack_t *stack, SEXP_t *s_exp)
SEXP_tSEXP_lstack_pop (SEXP_lstack_t *stack)
SEXP_tSEXP_lstack_top (const SEXP_lstack_t *stack)
SEXP_tSEXP_lstack_list (SEXP_lstack_t *stack)
size_t SEXP_lstack_depth (SEXP_lstack_t *stack)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define SEXP_number_geti   SEXP_number_geti_32

Get integer value from a sexp object.

The size of the integer may be architecture dependent.

#define SEXP_number_getu   SEXP_number_getu_32

Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object.

The size of the integer may be architecture dependent.

#define SEXP_number_newi   SEXP_number_newi_32

Create a new sexp object from an integer.

The size of the integer may be architecture dependent.

#define SEXP_number_newu   SEXP_number_newu_32

Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer.

The size of the integer may be architecture dependent.

Function Documentation

const char * SEXP_datatype ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get the user data type of a sexp object.

s_expthe object to be queried
int SEXP_datatype_set ( SEXP_t s_exp,
const char *  name 

Set the user data type of a sexp object.

s_expthe object to be modified
int SEXP_datatype_set_nth ( SEXP_t list,
uint32_t  n,
const char *  name 

Set the user data type of the nth sexp object in a list.

listlist containing the object to be modified
nthe position of the object
namename of the user data type
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_add ( SEXP_t list,
const SEXP_t s_exp 

Add an element to a list.

This function increments element's reference count.

listthe modified sexp object
s_expthe element to be added
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_first ( const SEXP_t list)

Get the first element of a list.

This function increments element's reference count

listthe queried sexp object
void SEXP_list_free ( SEXP_t s_exp)

Free the specified sexp object.

s_expthe object to be freed
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_join ( const SEXP_t list_a,
const SEXP_t list_b 

Create a new list containing the concatenated contents of two lists.

This function increments element's reference count.

list_athe first list to be contatenated
list_bthe list to be attached to the first one
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_last ( const SEXP_t list)

Get the last element of a list.

This function increments element's reference count.

listthe queried sexp object
size_t SEXP_list_length ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get the length of the sexp list.

s_sexpthe queried sexp object
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_new ( SEXP_t memb,

Create a new sexp list, optionally initialized with the provided sexp arguments.

The argument list needs to be terminated with NULL.

membthe first sexp object to be inserted into the new list. can be NULL.
...arbitrary number of elements to be inserted
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_nth ( const SEXP_t list,
uint32_t  n 

Get the n-th element of a list.

This function increments element's reference count.

listthe queried sexp object
nthe position of the element in the list
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_pop ( SEXP_t list)

Extract the first element of a list.

This function increments element's reference count.

listthe modified sexp object
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_push ( SEXP_t list,
const SEXP_t s_exp 

Push an element to the head of a list.

This function increments element's reference count.

listthe modified sexp object
s_expthe element to be added
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_replace ( SEXP_t list,
uint32_t  n,
const SEXP_t s_exp 

Replace the n-th element of a list.

This function increments element's reference count.

listthe modified sexp object
nthe index of the element to be replaced
s_expthe element to be added
the replaced element
SEXP_t * SEXP_list_rest ( const SEXP_t list)

Get the rest of a list.

This function increments elements' reference count.

listthe queried sexp object
bool SEXP_listp ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Check whether the provided sexp object is a list.

s_expthe sexp object to be tested
SEXP_t * SEXP_listref_first ( SEXP_t list)

Get the first element of a list.

This function creates a soft reference to the element.

listthe queried sexp object
SEXP_t * SEXP_listref_last ( SEXP_t list)

Get the last element of a list.

This function creates a soft reference to the element.

listthe queried sexp object
SEXP_t * SEXP_listref_nth ( SEXP_t list,
uint32_t  n 

Get the n-th element of a list.

This function creates a soft reference to the element.

listthe queried sexp object
nthe position of the element in the list
SEXP_t * SEXP_listref_rest ( SEXP_t list)

Get the rest of a list.

This function creates a soft reference to the list.

listthe queried sexp object
void SEXP_number_free ( SEXP_t s_exp)

Free the specified sexp object.

s_expthe object to be freed
int SEXP_number_get ( const SEXP_t s_exp,
void *  dst,
SEXP_numtype_t  type 

Get a value from a sexp object according to a specified type.

s_expthe queried sexp object
dstbuffer for the value
typethe desired number type
bool SEXP_number_getb ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get boolean value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
double SEXP_number_getf ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get floating point value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
int32_t SEXP_number_geti_32 ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get integer value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
int64_t SEXP_number_geti_64 ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get integer value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
uint16_t SEXP_number_getu_16 ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
uint32_t SEXP_number_getu_32 ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
uint64_t SEXP_number_getu_64 ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
uint8_t SEXP_number_getu_8 ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get unsigned integer value from a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_new ( SEXP_numtype_t  t,
const void *  n 

Create a new sexp object from a value and a number type.

tthe desired number type
npointer to the number value
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newb ( bool  n)

Create a new sexp object from a boolean value.

nthe boolean value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newf ( double  n)

Create a new sexp object from an floating point value.

nthe floating point value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newi_16 ( int16_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an integer.

nthe integer value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newi_32 ( int32_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an integer.

nthe integer value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newi_64 ( int64_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an integer.

nthe integer value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newi_8 ( int8_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an integer.

nthe integer value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newu_16 ( uint16_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer.

nthe unsigned integer value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newu_32 ( uint32_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer.

nthe integer value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newu_64 ( uint64_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer.

nthe integer value to store
SEXP_t * SEXP_number_newu_8 ( uint8_t  n)

Create a new sexp object from an unsigned integer.

nthe unsigned integer value to store
SEXP_numtype_t SEXP_number_type ( const SEXP_t sexp)

Get the number type of an object.

sexpthe queried sexp object
bool SEXP_numberp ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Check whether the provided sexp object is a number.

s_expthe sexp object to be tested
SEXP_t * SEXP_ref ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Create a new reference to a sexp object.

s_expthe object of which to increment the reference count
uint32_t SEXP_refs ( const SEXP_t ref)

Return the value of the reference counter.

SEXP_t * SEXP_softref ( SEXP_t s_exp)

Create a new soft reference to a sexp object.

s_expthe object to which create the soft reference
bool SEXP_softrefp ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Check whether an S-exp reference is a "soft" reference.

s_expthe S-exp reference
int SEXP_strcmp ( const SEXP_t s_exp,
const char *  str 

Compare a string in a sexp object with a C string.

s_expthe sexp object to be compared
strthe C string to be compared
int SEXP_string_cmp ( const SEXP_t str_a,
const SEXP_t str_b 

Compare two sexp strings.

str_athe first string to compare
str_bthe second string to compare
size_t SEXP_string_cstr_r ( const SEXP_t s_exp,
char *  buf,
size_t  len 

Get a C string from a sexp object.

The name is stored in the provided buffer.

s_expthe queried object
bufthe buffer to store the name in
lenthe length of the buffer
void SEXP_string_free ( SEXP_t s_exp)

Free the specified sexp object.

s_expthe object to be freed
bool SEXP_string_getb ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Try to cast the supplied sexp string to a boolean.

s_extthe string to be cast
size_t SEXP_string_length ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get the length of a string in a sexp object.

s_expthe queried sexp object
SEXP_t * SEXP_string_new ( const void *  string,
size_t  strlen 

Create a new sexp object from a string.

stringthe string to be stored
strlenthe length of the string in bytes
SEXP_t * SEXP_string_newf ( const char *  format,

Create a new sexp object from a format string.

formatthe format of the new string
...arguments for the format
int SEXP_string_nth ( const SEXP_t s_exp,
size_t  n 

Get the n-th byte of a string.

s_expthe sexp object holding the string
nthe index of the desired character
char * SEXP_string_subcstr ( const SEXP_t s_exp,
size_t  beg,
size_t  len 

Get a C substring from a sexp object.

s_sexpthe queried sexp object
begthe position of the fisrt character of the substring
lenthe length of the substring
bool SEXP_stringp ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Check whether the provided sexp object is a string.

s_expthe sexp object to be tested
int SEXP_strncmp ( const SEXP_t s_exp,
const char *  str,
size_t  n 

Compare a string in a sexp object with a C string.

s_expthe sexp object to be compared
strthe C string to be compared
ncompare at most n bytes
const char * SEXP_strtype ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get a text description of the sexp object's type.

s_expthe object to be queried
SEXP_type_t SEXP_typeof ( const SEXP_t s_exp)

Get the type of a sexp object.

s_expthe object to be queried