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Interface to Variable model More...

Collaboration diagram for OVALVAR:


file  oval_variables.h

Data Structures

struct  oval_variable_model
 The OVAL variable model facilitates access to external variable value bindings used to to constrain the evaluation of OVAL objects. More...
struct  oval_variable_model_iterator


OSCAP_API struct oval_variable_modeloval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_new (void)
 Create a new empty OVAL variable model.
OSCAP_API struct oval_variable_modeloval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_import_source (struct oscap_source *source)
 Import the content from the oscap_source into a new oval_variable_model.
OSCAP_API struct oval_variable_modeloval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_clone (struct oval_variable_model *)
 Clone an OVAL variable model.
OSCAP_API void oval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_free (struct oval_variable_model *)
 Free memory allocated to a specified oval_variable_model.
OSCAP_API int oval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_export (struct oval_variable_model *, const char *file)
 Export the specified oval_variable_model into file.


OSCAP_API void oval_variable_model_set_generator (struct oval_variable_model *model, struct oval_generator *generator)
OSCAP_API void oval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_add (struct oval_variable_model *model, char *varid, const char *comment, oval_datatype_t datatype, char *value)
 Get the values bound to a specified external variable.


OSCAP_API struct oval_generatoroval_variable_model_get_generator (struct oval_variable_model *model)
OSCAP_API struct oval_string_iteratoroval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_get_variable_ids (struct oval_variable_model *)
 Get all external variables managed by a specified oval_variable_model.
OSCAP_API bool oval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_has_variable (struct oval_variable_model *model, const char *id)
 Return true if variable with ID is present in variable model, false otherwise.
OSCAP_API oval_datatype_t oval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_get_datatype (struct oval_variable_model *, char *)
 Get a specified external variable datatype.
OSCAP_API const char * oval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_get_comment (struct oval_variable_model *, char *)
 Get a specified external variable comment.
OSCAP_API struct oval_value_iteratoroval_variable_model::oval_variable_model_get_values (struct oval_variable_model *, char *)
 Get the values bound to a specified external variable.


OSCAP_API bool oval_variable_model_iterator::oval_variable_model_iterator_has_more (struct oval_variable_model_iterator *)
 Returns true if iterator not exhausted.
OSCAP_API struct oval_variable_modeloval_variable_model_iterator::oval_variable_model_iterator_next (struct oval_variable_model_iterator *)
 Returns next instance of oval_variable_model.
OSCAP_API void oval_variable_model_iterator::oval_variable_model_iterator_free (struct oval_variable_model_iterator *)
 Free iterator.

Detailed Description

Interface to Variable model

Interface to Variable model

Function Documentation

◆ oval_variable_model_add()

OSCAP_API void oval_variable_model_add ( struct oval_variable_model * model,
char * varid,
const char * comment,
oval_datatype_t datatype,
char * value )

Get the values bound to a specified external variable.

If the varid does not resolve to a managed external variable, this method returns NULL.

variable_modelthe specified oval_variable_model.
varidthe identifier of the required oval_variable.

◆ oval_variable_model_clone()

OSCAP_API struct oval_variable_model * oval_variable_model_clone ( struct oval_variable_model * )

Clone an OVAL variable model.

A copy of the specified oval_variable_model.

◆ oval_variable_model_free()

OSCAP_API void oval_variable_model_free ( struct oval_variable_model * )

Free memory allocated to a specified oval_variable_model.

variable_modelthe specified oval_variable_model

◆ oval_variable_model_get_comment()

OSCAP_API const char * oval_variable_model_get_comment ( struct oval_variable_model * ,
char *  )

Get a specified external variable comment.

If the varid does not resolve to a managed external variable, this method returns NULL.

variable_modelthe specified oval_variable_model.
varidthe identifier of the required oval_variable.

◆ oval_variable_model_get_datatype()

OSCAP_API oval_datatype_t oval_variable_model_get_datatype ( struct oval_variable_model * ,
char *  )

Get a specified external variable datatype.

If the varid does not resolve to a managed external variable, this method returns 0.

variable_modelthe specified oval_variable_model.
varidthe identifier of the required oval_variable.

◆ oval_variable_model_get_values()

OSCAP_API struct oval_value_iterator * oval_variable_model_get_values ( struct oval_variable_model * ,
char *  )

Get the values bound to a specified external variable.

If the varid does not resolve to a managed external variable, this method returns NULL.

variable_modelthe specified oval_variable_model.
varidthe identifier of the required oval_variable.

◆ oval_variable_model_get_variable_ids()

OSCAP_API struct oval_string_iterator * oval_variable_model_get_variable_ids ( struct oval_variable_model * )

Get all external variables managed by a specified oval_variable_model.

variable_modelthe specified oval_variable_model.

◆ oval_variable_model_has_variable()

OSCAP_API bool oval_variable_model_has_variable ( struct oval_variable_model * model,
const char * id )

Return true if variable with ID is present in variable model, false otherwise.

modelVariable model
idID of variable

◆ oval_variable_model_import_source()

OSCAP_API struct oval_variable_model * oval_variable_model_import_source ( struct oscap_source * source)

Import the content from the oscap_source into a new oval_variable_model.

sourceThe oscap_source to import from.
new oval_variable_model, or NULL if an error occurred