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OVAL Agent interface More...

Collaboration diagram for OVALAGENT:


file  oval_agent_api.h
file  oval_agent_xccdf_api.h


typedef struct oval_agent_session oval_agent_session_t
 Agent session consists of connection to system checking engine, definition model, system characteristics model and results model.
typedef int(* agent_reporter) (const struct oval_result_definition *res_def, void *arg)
typedef xccdf_test_result_type_t xccdf_policy_eval_rule_cb_t(struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *rule_id, const char *id, struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator *it, void *usr)


OSCAP_API oval_agent_session_toval_agent_new_session (struct oval_definition_model *model, const char *name)
 Create new session for OVAL agent from OVAL definition model.
OSCAP_API struct oval_definition_modeloval_agent_get_definition_model (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Retrieves OVAL definition model associated with given session.
OSCAP_API void oval_agent_set_product_name (oval_agent_session_t *, char *)
 Set a product name for the provided agent session.
OSCAP_API int oval_agent_eval_definition (oval_agent_session_t *, const char *)
 Probe the system and evaluate specified definition.
OSCAP_API int oval_agent_get_definition_result (oval_agent_session_t *, const char *, oval_result_t *)
 Get the OVAL result of a definition from an agent session.
OSCAP_API struct oval_result_definitionoval_agent_get_result_definition (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess, const char *id)
 Get the OVAL result definition from an agent session.
OSCAP_API int oval_agent_reset_session (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Clean resuls that were generated in this agent session.
OSCAP_API void oval_agent_reset_syschar (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Clean system characteristics that were generated in this agent session.
OSCAP_API void oval_agent_reset_results (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Clean results that were generated in this agent session.
OSCAP_API int oval_agent_abort_session (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Abort a running probe session.
OSCAP_API int oval_agent_eval_system (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess, agent_reporter cb, void *arg)
 Probe and evaluate all definitions from the content, call the callback functions upon single evaluation.
OSCAP_API struct oval_results_modeloval_agent_get_results_model (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Get a result model from agent session.
OSCAP_API const char * oval_agent_get_filename (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Get a filename under which was created.
OSCAP_API void oval_agent_destroy_session (oval_agent_session_t *ag_sess)
 Finish OVAL agent session.
OSCAP_API xccdf_test_result_type_t oval_agent_eval_rule (struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *rule_id, const char *id, const char *href, struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator *it, struct xccdf_check_import_iterator *check_import_it, void *usr)
 Internal OVAL Agent Callback that can be used to evaluate XCCDF content.
OSCAP_API int oval_agent_resolve_variables (struct oval_agent_session *session, struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator *it)
 Resolve variables from XCCDF Value Bindings and set their values to OVAL Variables.
OSCAP_API bool xccdf_policy_model::xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_oval (struct xccdf_policy_model *model, struct oval_agent_session *sess)
 Function to register predefined oval callback for XCCDF evaluation proccess.

Detailed Description

OVAL Agent interface

OVAL Agent interface

This is a high level API for system probing and OVAL Definition content evaluation.

Typedef Documentation

◆ xccdf_policy_eval_rule_cb_t

typedef xccdf_test_result_type_t xccdf_policy_eval_rule_cb_t(struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *rule_id, const char *id, struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator *it, void *usr)
policyXCCDF Policy that is being evaluated
rule_idID of XCCDF Rule
idID of OVAL definition
itXCCDF Value Binding iterator with value bindings
usrVoid pointer to the user data structure
XCCDF test result type of evaluated rule

Function Documentation

◆ oval_agent_eval_definition()

OSCAP_API int oval_agent_eval_definition ( oval_agent_session_t * ag_sess,
const char * id )

Probe the system and evaluate specified definition.

0 on success; -1 error; 1 warning

◆ oval_agent_eval_rule()

OSCAP_API xccdf_test_result_type_t oval_agent_eval_rule ( struct xccdf_policy * policy,
const char * rule_id,
const char * id,
const char * href,
struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator * it,
struct xccdf_check_import_iterator * check_import_it,
void * usr )

Internal OVAL Agent Callback that can be used to evaluate XCCDF content.

You can either register this function with xccdf_policy (old fashioned way as described in the example bellow). Alternativelly you can use high level function xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_oval() (recommended) which will register the oval_engine.

Next example shows common use of this function in evaluation proccess of XCCDF file.
struct oscap_source *source = oscap_source_new_from_file(file);
struct xccdf_benchmark *benchmark = xccdf_benchmark_import_source(source);
struct oval_agent_session *sess = oval_agent_new_session(def_model, "name-of-file");
xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_and_query_callback(policy_model, "", oval_agent_eval_rule, (void *) sess, NULL);
xccdf_test_result_type_t oval_agent_eval_rule(struct xccdf_policy *policy, const char *rule_id, const char *id, const char *href, struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator *it, struct xccdf_check_import_iterator *check_import_it, void *usr)
Internal OVAL Agent Callback that can be used to evaluate XCCDF content.
Definition oval_agent.c:614
oval_agent_session_t * oval_agent_new_session(struct oval_definition_model *model, const char *name)
Create new session for OVAL agent from OVAL definition model.
Definition oval_agent.c:92
OSCAP_API struct oval_definition_model * oval_definition_model_import_source(struct oscap_source *source)
Import the content of the oscap_source into the oval_definition_model.
Definition oval_defModel.c:244
OSCAP_API struct xccdf_policy_model * xccdf_policy_model_new(struct xccdf_benchmark *benchmark)
Constructor of Policy Model structure.
Definition xccdf_policy.c:1750
OSCAP_API struct xccdf_benchmark * xccdf_benchmark_import_source(struct oscap_source *source)
Import the content from oscap_source into a benchmark.
Definition benchmark.c:54
Definition oscap_source.c:66
Definition oval_agent.c:54
Oval definition model.
Definition oval_defModel.c:53
Top level XCCDF structure containing profiles, rules, values and results.
XCCDF policy model structure contains xccdf_benchmark as reference to Benchmark element in XML file a...
Definition xccdf_policy_priv.h:38
struct xccdf_benchmark * benchmark
Benchmark element (root element of XML file)
Definition xccdf_policy_priv.h:40

◆ oval_agent_eval_system()

OSCAP_API int oval_agent_eval_system ( oval_agent_session_t * ag_sess,
agent_reporter cb,
void * arg )

Probe and evaluate all definitions from the content, call the callback functions upon single evaluation.

0 on success; -1 error; 1 warning

◆ oval_agent_get_definition_result()

OSCAP_API int oval_agent_get_definition_result ( oval_agent_session_t * ag_sess,
const char * id,
oval_result_t * result )

Get the OVAL result of a definition from an agent session.

0 on success; -1 error

◆ oval_agent_get_result_definition()

OSCAP_API struct oval_result_definition * oval_agent_get_result_definition ( oval_agent_session_t * ag_sess,
const char * id )

Get the OVAL result definition from an agent session.

NULL if not found

◆ oval_agent_new_session()

OSCAP_API oval_agent_session_t * oval_agent_new_session ( struct oval_definition_model * model,
const char * name )

Create new session for OVAL agent from OVAL definition model.

modelOVAL Definition model
nameName of file that can be referenced from XCCDF Benchmark

◆ oval_agent_resolve_variables()

OSCAP_API int oval_agent_resolve_variables ( struct oval_agent_session * session,
struct xccdf_value_binding_iterator * it )

Resolve variables from XCCDF Value Bindings and set their values to OVAL Variables.

sessionOVAL Agent Session
itXCCDF Value Bindng iterator
0 if resolving pass
Example in oval_agent.c in function oval_agent_eval_rule

◆ oval_agent_set_product_name()

OSCAP_API void oval_agent_set_product_name ( oval_agent_session_t * ag_sess,
char * product_name )

Set a product name for the provided agent session.

The product name should be used for all newly created OVAL documents. If there already are some models in the session, they are modified as well.

◆ xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_oval()

OSCAP_API bool xccdf_policy_model_register_engine_oval ( struct xccdf_policy_model * model,
struct oval_agent_session * sess )

Function to register predefined oval callback for XCCDF evaluation proccess.

modelXCCDF Policy Model
sessoval_agent_session_t parameter for passing session data to callback
true if callback registered succesfully, false otherwise