Open SCAP Library
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Ccpe_checkStructure representing single CPE check
 Ccpe_check_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary checks
 Ccpe_dict_modelStructure representing a CPE dictionary
 Ccpe_editionEdition of product update
 Ccpe_edition_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary item editions
 Ccpe_generatorStructure with information about document
 Ccpe_itemStructure representing single CPE dictionary item
 Ccpe_item_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary items
 Ccpe_item_metadataStructure representing metadata of CPE item
 Ccpe_lang_modelCPE platform specification
 Ccpe_languageLanguage of product edition
 Ccpe_language_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary item languages
 Ccpe_nameStructure holding Common Platform Enumeration URI data
 Ccpe_platformSingle platform representation in CPE language
 Ccpe_platform_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary items
 Ccpe_productProduct of some vendor
 Ccpe_product_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary item products
 Ccpe_referenceCPE dictionary item reference
 Ccpe_reference_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary references
 Ccpe_testexprCPE language boolean expression
 Ccpe_testexpr_iteratorIterator over CPE language expressions
 Ccpe_updateUpdate of product version
 Ccpe_update_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary item updates
 Ccpe_vendorStructure with information about vendor
 Ccpe_vendor_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary item vendors
 Ccpe_versionVersion of product
 Ccpe_version_iteratorIterator over CPE dictionary item versions
 Cds_sds_indexRetrieves iterator over all components inside the <extended-components> element
 Cds_stream_indexContains information about one particular "<data-stream>" element in the datastream collection (also called SDS = source datastream)
 Cfsdev_tFilesystem device structure
 Cid_desc_tHolds information for item ids generation
 Coscap_bufferBuffer with unlimited length contains:
 Coscap_string_iteratorString iterator
 Coscap_string_mapDefine mapping between symbolic constant and its string representation
 Coscap_stringlistA collection of strings
 Coscap_stringlist_iteratorIterator over collections of strings
 Coscap_textRepresentation of internationalizable character strings
 Coscap_text_iteratorInternationalized string iterator
 Coscap_text_traitsOscap_text traits
 Coval_affectedEach OVAL Definition specifies certain type of affected system(s)
 Coval_behaviorOVAL behavior
 Coval_componentOVAL variable component Oval_component instances specify evaluation constraints on local variables (see oval_variable_get_type)
 Coval_criteria_nodeSpecify oval_definition dependencies
 Coval_definitionOval definition specification
 Coval_definition_modelOval definition model
 Coval_directives_modelThis structure holds instance of OVAL Directives
 Coval_entityOVAL entity
 Coval_filterOVAL filter
 Coval_messageOVAL message
 Coval_objectAn Oval_object instance describes a set of items to look for on an instrumented host platform
 Coval_object_contentAn Oval_object_content instance specifies an oval_object field
 Coval_probe_sessionOVAL probe session structure
 Coval_referenceAn Oval_reference links an Oval_definition to a definitive external reference
 Coval_result_directivesThis structure holds instance of either OVAL Default Directives or OVAL Class directives
 Coval_result_to_xccdf_specSpecification of structure for transformation of OVAL Result type to XCCDF result type
 Coval_results_modelOVAL Results Model holds OVAL results structure instances
 Coval_sessionA structure encapsulating the context of OVAL operations
 Coval_setobjectOVAL set object
 Coval_stateAn Oval_state instance is a collection of one or more characteristics pertaining to a specific object type
 Coval_state_contentAn Oval_state_content instance specifies an oval_state field
 Coval_syscharCharacteristics bound to an Oval_object
 Coval_syschar_modelOVAL System Characteristics model
 Coval_sysinfoGeneral instrumented host description
 Coval_sysintNetwork interface description
 Coval_sysitemEach instance of Oval_sysitem represents one item
 Coval_testAn Oval_test specifies a technical control by identifying an oval_object that is evaluated on an instrumented host platform and, optionally, an Oval_state instance that matches the object query
 Coval_valueOVAL object or item entity value
 Coval_variableAn oval variable resolves an oval_value stream which specifies constraints for oval_object s and oval_state s
 Coval_variable_bindingBinding of an value to an OVAL variable
 Coval_variable_modelThe OVAL variable model facilitates access to external variable value bindings used to to constrain the evaluation of OVAL objects
 Cprobe_ncache_tElement name cache structure
 Cprobe_rcache_tProbe cache structure
 Crbt_nodeGeneric node structure Lowest bit of _chld[0] holds the color bit
 Crds_indexRepresents <asset-report-collection> element - the root element of each result datastream in Asset Reporting Format = ARF
 Csce_check_result_iteratorIterator over collections of sce_check_results
 Cxccdf_benchmarkTop level XCCDF structure containing profiles, rules, values and results
 Cxccdf_checkXCCDF simple or complex check
 Cxccdf_check_content_refXCCDF check content reference
 Cxccdf_check_content_ref_iteratorCheck content references iterator
 Cxccdf_check_exportXCCDF check export
 Cxccdf_check_export_iteratorCheck export iterator
 Cxccdf_check_importXCCDF check import
 Cxccdf_check_import_iteratorCheck import iterator
 Cxccdf_check_iteratorCheck iterator
 Cxccdf_default_scoreXCCDF Default score structure represents Default XCCDF Score model for each rule
 Cxccdf_fixXCCDF automatic fix
 Cxccdf_fix_iteratorFix iterator
 Cxccdf_fixtextXCCDF textual fix instructions
 Cxccdf_fixtext_iteratorTextual fix iterator
 Cxccdf_flat_scoreXCCDF Flat score structure represents Flat XCCDF Score model for each rule
 Cxccdf_groupXCCDF rule group
 Cxccdf_identXCCDF rule ident URI
 Cxccdf_ident_iteratorIdent iterator
 Cxccdf_identityXCCDF identity
 Cxccdf_identity_iteratorReference iterator
 Cxccdf_instanceXCCDF instance
 Cxccdf_instance_iteratorInstance iterator
 Cxccdf_itemA base class for XCCDF items
 Cxccdf_item_iteratorString iterator
 Cxccdf_messageXCCDF message
 Cxccdf_message_iteratorMessage iterator
 Cxccdf_modelXCCDF scoring model
 Cxccdf_model_iteratorModel iterator
 Cxccdf_noticeXCCDF benchmark legal notice
 Cxccdf_notice_iteratorNotice iterator
 Cxccdf_overrideXCCDF override
 Cxccdf_override_iteratorOverride iterator
 Cxccdf_plain_textXCCDF target fact
 Cxccdf_plain_text_iteratorPlain text iterator
 Cxccdf_policyXCCDF policy structure is abstract (class) structure of Profile element from benchmark
 Cxccdf_policy_iteratorIterate through policies
 Cxccdf_policy_modelXCCDF policy model structure contains xccdf_benchmark as reference to Benchmark element in XML file and list of policies that are abstract structure of Profile element from benchmark file
 Cxccdf_profileXCCDF profile is a set of tests and their settings in a compact package
 Cxccdf_profile_iteratorProfile iterator
 Cxccdf_profile_noteXCCDF note for given rule in context of given profile
 Cxccdf_profile_note_iteratorProfile note iterator
 Cxccdf_refine_ruleXCCDF refine rule option used in the profile
 Cxccdf_refine_rule_iteratorRefine rule iterator
 Cxccdf_refine_valueXCCDF refine value option used in the profile
 Cxccdf_refine_value_iteratorRefine value iterator
 Cxccdf_resultActual results of running a XCCDF test or profile
 Cxccdf_result_iteratorResult iterator
 Cxccdf_ruleXCCDF rule defines a test execution
 Cxccdf_rule_resultXCCDF rule result
 Cxccdf_rule_result_iteratorOverride iterator
 Cxccdf_scoreXCCDF score
 Cxccdf_score_iteratorOverride iterator
 Cxccdf_selectXCCDF select option usen in the profile
 Cxccdf_select_iteratorSelect iterator
 Cxccdf_sessionA structure encapsulating the context of XCCDF operations
 Cxccdf_setvalueXCCDF set value option used in the profile
 Cxccdf_setvalue_iteratorSet value iterator
 Cxccdf_statusXCCDF item status
 Cxccdf_status_iteratorStatus iterator
 Cxccdf_tailoringStores content from xccdf:Tailoring element which can be loaded from a separate file
 Cxccdf_target_factXCCDF target fact
 Cxccdf_target_fact_iteratorOverride iterator
 Cxccdf_target_identifierCan be either <target-id-ref> or some other element
 Cxccdf_target_identifier_iteratorOverride iterator
 Cxccdf_valueXCCDF Value allows test parametrization or capturing output of tests
 Cxccdf_value_bindingXCCDF value binding structure is binding between Refine values, Set values, Value element and Check export element of benchmark
 Cxccdf_value_instance_iteratorValue instance iterator
 Cxccdf_value_iteratorSelect iterator
 Cxccdf_warningXCCDF warning
 Cxccdf_warning_iteratorWarning iterator